Palliative Care

Our Director

Dr. Adrian Chaurand Morales

Dr. Adrian Chaurand Morales

Director of Palliative Care


Ajijic office hours

Psychological Support

Thursdays: 9:00 to 2:00

Palliative Care is a multidisciplinary (nurse, physician, psychologist, nutritionist) specialized  health program that focuses on improving the quality of life of patients and families who face the process of an advanced disease and/or the end of life.

The Director of Palliative Care, Dr. Chaurand graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma of Guadalajara. He lived in Barcelona, Spain for seven years, where he developed his Ph.D. on clinical and health psychology; his thesis was focused on complicated grief and depression. After being a Lecturer and Research Assistant at the University of Barcelona and the Integrative Relational Psychotherapy Institute on grief, loss and trauma, he worked in palliative care for the Catalán Institute of Health and the Red Cross.

Dr. Chaurand currently lives in Guadalajara, where he’s the Director of Chaurand Health Group The institution’s main programs are Palliative Care (Hospice home care) and Duelo por Mexico (Bereavement support).  In addition, he’s working on his first book and on training programs for Latin America on palliative care and grief counselling.

Dr. Chaurand’s working model

As a psychotherapist my work mainly focuses on adjustment processes, grief and depression. Based on an epistemological constructivist perspective my training on Integrative Relational Model (Payás, 2010) relies on respect for the needs and pace of the consultant, on supporting each person from empathy, knowing their own life framework and on helping them to become more aware of what they´re living.

From this model we believe that every person creates his own comprehension of their world based on their personal history and experience. From this perspective, grief is not understood as a serial process of phases that all people go through until reaching the same goal, but as a complex experience that each person goes through in their own way. Confronting and judging are completely outside our method, in contrast, companioning (wolfelt, 2005), authentic presence, attunement (Erskine, 1999, 2011) and a strong confident therapeutic relation is offered to help people seeking professional support.

Dr. Chaurand can help you:
  • Relieve pain and physical and psychological symptoms that result from diseases and medical treatments
  • Offer psychological and spiritual support as well as medical and nursing care for family members and patient caregivers
  • Give advice on practical aspects of care, funeral and legal issues
  • Assist families in making tough medical decisions
  • Avoid hospital admissions and unnecessary treatments
  • Favor death at home; if it is the desire of patient
  • Provide support and guidance for grief
  • Promote a sense of security in circumstances that can trigger anxiety and uncertainty that make it hard to deal with medical realities
  • Generate death certificate


Take the first step. Contact us and tell us about your situation.

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