
September 2017

CHAPALA MED’S Monthly Health Newsletter 
September 2017 Health Newsletter
Greetings dear readers. This past month has been a busy one at Chapala Med and thus far, September has gotten off to a busy start as well. There have been a good amount of changes in our office building, growth of our team and network of specialists and today there was some interesting news for the healthcare community in the Chapala Lakeside area. I’ll touch on that bit of good news at the end of my newsletter.
September is
Healthy Aging® Month and the time to get started on better health practices.
Think it’s too late to “re-invent” yourself?   Think again. According to Carolyn Worthington, editor-in-chief of Healthy Aging
 Magazine and executive director of Healthy Aging
, it’s never too late to find a new career, a new sport, passion or hobby. And, now is the time to travel more than ever. 
This month i
s also
National Cholesterol Education Month in the U.S. so I’m including an article about one of the benefits of STATIN therapy in patients with recurrent risk of strokes. I like to share information that is of particular interest and affects the EXPAT populations of the
Lake Chapala area as well as the
Guadalajara metropolitan area. If you find that this newsletter and the information contained herein may benefit a friend or loved one then please feel free to forward it or share it with that special person.


FULL ARTICLE – September is Healthy Aging Month

Cardiovascular Screenings reduce mortality in older men
Five-year mortality rates were reduced by 7% among older men who were screened for abdominal aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease and hypertension, compared with those who did not get screened, according to a study presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s annual meeting and published in The Lancet. The reduced mortality was linked to higher rates of elective aneurysm repairs and greater use of antithrombotic and lipid-lowering therapies among those who received the screenings.

PROSTATE CANCER Questions answered
What’s New In Prostate Cancer Treatment
When it comes to prostate cancer, there are many questions about current therapies and treatments and which may be right for you?
This podcast can help answer so many of these questions.
Dr. Kar is a Board Certified Urologist and a pioneer of robotic prostate surgery in Southern California. He was instrumental in developing the Robotic Surgery Program started at St. Joseph’s Hospital of Orange in 2003, and was among the first urologists in the U.S. to offer HIFU (High
 Intensity Focused Ultrasound) for the management of Prostate Cancer.
AI offers early warnings of developing Alzheimer’s disease
A newly developed artificial-intelligence program can detect early dementia signs in brain scans and appears to be able to predict whether someone might develop Alzheimer’s disease 24 months in advance, something that could help when choosing clinical trial patients, researchers say. The AI program correctly predicted which patients would develop Alzheimer’s 84% of the time, per findings published in Neurobiology of Aging.
Recurrent Stroke Risk Increased Without Statin Use
HealthDay News – Discontinuing
statin therapy 
3 to 6 months after an initial ischemic stroke is tied to higher risk of a recurrent stroke, according to a study published online in the Journal of the American Heart Association


The Flu Vaccine and Risk For Pneumonia


Flu season is here. I’ve already seen a good number of cases in the past couple of weeks in my office. One of these patients did progress to acquire severe pneumonia that required hospitalization for care Most people don’t know but contracting the Influenza A/B virus is a major risk factor for contracting community acquired pneumonia(CAP).
Vaccinations for influenza cut the risk for hospitalization for pneumonia approximately in half, according to a prospective case control study published online October 5 in JAMA.
Sometimes research findings can be confusing. How much alcohol intake can increase or decrease your risk of developing AD ?
TODAY Sept. 17th Dr. Garcia who owns Maskaras clinic held the groundbreaking ceremony for his  new project. Dr. Garcia presented the project at one of our Rotary Club of Ajijic’s  meetings a few years ago. I’d like to congratulate him and his associates on his project which will greatly benefit the Lakeside community.
As some of you may have heard I am involved in a project that will greatly change the face of healthcare in Lakeside. The project that Dr. Garcia has started is not the one I am involved in and I think his project will complement ours. Our project is set to have over 30,000 square meters of construction and will be well equipped to handle what other local “hospitals” or clinics cannot.  Once again, we congratulate and welcome Dr. Garcia on his endeavor while we do look forward to also playing a major role in the future of healthcare in the Lake Chapala area. I am anxious to share the details of our project when I authorized to do so.
Chapala Med |  | (331)950-9414


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