
February 2019

CHAPALA MED’S Monthly Health Newsletter 
February 2019 Health Newsletter 
Greetings to our patients and readers of our newsletter. I apologize for not sending out a newsletter last month. So, I’d like to wish each and every one of you a very HAPPY and HEALTHY 2019. I’d also like to thank all of you who reached out to me and kept my family and I in your thoughts and prayers after the sudden and unexpected passing of my beloved father. Although 2018 was difficult on a personal level for me, I am proud and happy to say that 2018 has been Chapala Med’s most successful years since it’s inception in 2012 and again, it has been to the trust and support of the community and all of the patients who have entrusted their care to the Chapala Med team. Thank you. 
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women not only in the U.S., Canada and Mexico but in the entire world. Particularly ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of death in the entire world. The good news? It is also one of the most preventable causes of death. Making heart-healthy choices, knowing your family health history and the risk factors for heart disease, having regular check-ups and working with your physician to manage your health are all integral aspects of saving lives from this often silent killer.  FEBRUARY IS HEART HEALTH MONTH.  Make a difference in your community by spreading the word about strategies for preventing heart disease and encouraging those around you to have their hearts check and commit to heart-healthy lives.  
As always I’d like to relay information in this newsletter and include articles that I believe will be of great interest and value to the EXPAT population of the Lake Chapala area as well as the Guadalajara metropolitan area. Please feel free to share this newsletter with anybody whom you believe may benefit from the information or articles included within it. 
Chapala Med’s excellence in providing Primary Care and networking with the most highly qualified specialists in the entire state continues to be noticed not only on a local and national level, which lead to the current hospital
(Rivera Medical Center)
currently under construction on the Libramiento in Ajijic but also has been vetted by a major university hospital to implement an international partnership to bridge the gap of care between the U.S. and Mexico.  I have been very humbled by the articles that the magazine MAXWELL GUADALAJARA has published in 2018 featuring Chapala Med, our team of medical specialists and health advice I recommend. I 
am also extremely pleased to make an announcement that has exceeded my wildest dreams and expectations for what I had in mind for Chapala Med. It is with the greatest pleasure that I am announcing that the
Chapala Med
are formalizing a partnership this year. By the end of the month, the patients under our care can have access to the medical care and expertise as well as the facilities of this prestigious hospital. 
Although we live in what many consider paradise, access to reputable medical care and trustworthy medical advice seems to be robbing many of the peace of mind and tranquility that many should be enjoying while living here in the Lake Chapala area. The partnership with the University of Chicago will increase the credibility of our healthcare providers and give our patients peace of mind that the advice and care that they receive at Chapala Med is sound and on accordance with the guidelines and advice that world class physicians at the U. of Chicago recommend.
We have noted that other practices this year (2019) are now following our lead and taking several pages out of our book by by publishing their own newsletter, updating their websites to have content similar to ours and although they may state that some may be on staff at certain Guadalajara hospitals, Chapala Med is the only practice with an official affiliation stated on the respective hospital’s website.  In the future some may also become affiliated with other local hospitals but none will be able to claim to being pioneers in forming a partnership with a major university hospital in the U.S.  Looking ahead and embracing the future is what sets Chapala Med apart from other practices. Our culture of continued learning, improvement and evolution that will make us a NETFLIX while other practices continue to be a BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO franchise. 
In closing I’d like to remind our readers of our
MISSION STATEMENT so that you are all aware of what we are striving to accomplish everyday and hold us to this mission. 
Santiago R. Hernandez M.D. 

Heart attack symptoms in men vs. women? 

Risk factors, signs for heart attack different in women
Although heart disease can often be thought of as a problem for men, heart disease is the most common cause of death for both women and men in the United States. One challenge is that some heart disease symptoms in women may be different from those in men. Fortunately, women can take steps to understand their unique symptoms of heart disease and to begin to reduce their risk of heart disease

People at low risk for heart trouble may not need routine ECGs

EKG’s and STRESS TESTs are
NOT for all patients. Avoid unnecessary testing that could lead you down an expensive and worrisome path that may lead to 


more questions than answers. Below are up to date links for current guidelines
 for cardiac screening. 



February is not only National Cancer Prevention month but also American Heart month. With two of the deadliest diseases promoting awareness in the same month, what can they possibly have in common? Loma Linda University Cancer Center director 
Mark E. Reeves, MD, PhD
, says they both have more in common than you might think.



Flu Virus Can Trigger A Heart Attack

The flu doesn’t just make you feel lousy. A study published Wednesday finds it can increase your risk of having a heart attack, too.
“We found that you’re six times more likely to have a heart attack during the week after being diagnosed with influenza, compared to the year before or after the infection,” says study author 
Dr. Jeff Kwong, an epidemiologist and family physician with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences and Public Health Ontario in Canada.

5 ways to de-stress and help your heart


Doctors don’t know exactly how chronic stress affects the heart. Most likely, stress triggers inflammation, a known instigator of heart disease, but that hasn’t been proven. “I think the conventional opinion is that stress is bad for your heart, but the data are much murkier,” says Dr. Deepak Bhatt, director of the Integrated Interventional Cardiovascular Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Hearing Aids at Chapala Med
Audiologist Dr. 
Carlos Alonso Flores Valdovinos joins 
Chapala Med
Dr. Flores Valdovinos has parted with MASKARAS Clinic and is now joins our team of physicians. 
He will be holding office hours Tues. & Thurs. 10 am – 2 pm and 4 pm – 6 pm. 
Please come in and meet him. We are very happy to welcome him to our team of doctors. 
Dr. Hernandez’s Hearth Health advice in this month’s issue of MAXWELL GUADALAJARA
University of Chicago Hospital
partners with Chapala Med
The University of Chicago hospital has reached out to Chapala Med and we are formalizing a partnership to provide access and coverage for healthcare for our patients. Through the
UChicago Medicine International Program the hospital will be able to provide our patients with a vast array of resources and guidance to meet all of their healthcare needs and to ease any doubts that patients may have when our healthcare providers recommend a course of therapy or treatment. 


Chapala Med is laying the foundation to bridge healthcare services in Guadalajara & Chapala with the this prestigious university hospital.  Please stay tuned for our formal PRESS RELEASE later this month. 


The Healthcare providers & Staff at Chapala Med pledge 
“to preserve our humility, integrity, and all the values which brought us to the practice of medicine. We will engage in honest self-reflection, striving for excellence but acknowledging our limitations, and caring for ourselves as we care for others. We will seek to heal the whole person, rather than merely treat disease, committing to a partnership with our patients that empowers them and demonstrates empathy and respect. We will cure sometimes, treat often, and comfort always.” 


We have PATIENTS and not CLIENTS.
Chapala Med |  | (331)950-9414


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