
August 2019

CHAPALA MED’S Monthly Health Newsletter 
Greetings to our patients and readers of Chapala Med’s Health Newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to read this month’s Chapala Med newsletter. The purpose of my monthly newsletter is twofold. First and foremost, I’d like to provide health-related information that I believe would benefit the members of the of the community that I serve and the patients who’ve established care with my practice. This being the age of the internet and social media, I try to use them wisely to gather such information as well as from online medical journals I subscribe to.  The second purpose of my newsletter is to inform my patients of the changes that happen at Chapala Med as our team and our practice continues to grow and evolve to meet the needs of our patients and the community. We are quite excited about the latest CHAPALA MED video that was recently produced. There is a click at the bottom of the newsletter to it. Check it out and let us know what you think?
 I am pleased  to once again announce  that our Chapala Med team continues to grow to provide you better service and to allow the other healthcare providers and myself to focus on patient care.  I am extremely happy to report that Alicia Costilla will be returning next week from maternity leave. She was missed by our team and many patients. Please join us in welcoming her back. 
I’m including information about vaccines which I hope will help guide you to maintain your health. I’d also like to state that I recommend that my patients get the MMR and now the DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis & Tetanus) vaccines when they move here. I have had more than a handful of patients who’ve contracted  pertussis (Whopping cough), most likely from their grand kids. Let me tell you, that the really severe symptoms last approx. 100 days! Please get vaccinated.
I would also like to draw your attention to a few articles regarding our diet. With so many recommendations out there, who do you listen to? Food is our body’s fuel and we can prevent so many diseases if we eat right and are mindful of our weight. I hope you find the articles helpful and may lead you to make the appropriate changes in your dietary habits for a healthier body.
Please spread the word, the ROTARY CLUB OF AJIJIC will be holding it’s THIRD annual CATRINA 5K in support of the fight against breast cancer on Sunday October 27, 2018 at 8 a.m. at the Ajijic Plaza.  SAVE THE DATE and please support this worthy cause by participating or spreading the word. 
In closing I’d like to remind our readers of our (Chapala Med & Ribera Medical Center’s) 
 so that you are all aware of what we are striving to accomplish everyday and hold us to this mission.  Thank you for continued support. 
Santiago R. Hernandez M.D. 


U.S. News & World Report Article –



As a preventive healthcare measure, vaccines work by teaching the body’s immune system to recognize and defend against harmful viruses or bacteria before getting an infection, and reduce the chance of getting certain infectious diseases. Most vaccine-preventable diseases are spread from person to person, which means that if one person in a community gets an infectious disease, they can spread it to others.

American Lung Association 

Aug 07, 2018, 08:40 ET
Article from Payson Roundup


Clopidogrel Plus Aspirin Cuts Ischemic Events in Stroke, TIA
The combination of clopidogrel and aspirin is associated with reduced risk of major ischemic events but increased risk of major hemorrhage among patients with minor
 ischemic stroke
 or high-risk transient ischemic attack (TIA). 


The Healthcare providers & Staff at Chapala Med pledge
“We pledge to preserve our humility, integrity, and all the values which brought us to the practice of medicine. We will engage in ho
nest self-reflection, striving for excellence but acknowledging our limitations, and caring for ourselves as we care for others. We will seek to heal the whole person, rather than merely treat disease, committing to a partnership with our patients that empowers them and demonstrates empathy and respect. We will cure sometimes, treat often, and comfort always” 


Chapala Med |  | (331)950-9414


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