The EXPAT population of the Chapala Lakeside is a HIGH risk population due to their age group, their travel habits, the proximity to an international airport and the high degree of socialization that normally goes on in Chapala, Ajijic and the surrounding areas. These are my recommendations:
1. Avoid traveling to Guadalajara (malls, movie theaters, crowded big box stores). There are now government check points at the points of entry and exit from the Lakeside area.
2. WEAR A FACE MASK when you are outside. I concur with the CDC recommendations on this point.
A homemade face mask is better than nothing at all.
Avoid gatherings of 5 people or more.
3. Self-isolate if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, COPD, EMPHYSEMA or a weakened immune system.
4. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.
USE LOTS OF HAND SANITIZER if you cannot wash your hands.
5. SOCIAL DISTANCING – Stay at least 6 feet away from people.
6. Do not shake hands or hug until further notice.
8. If you believe you have a respiratory infection call our office phone numbers ahead of your visit or
9. If you BELIEVE YOU HAVE been infected with COVID-19 call 333.823.3220 or our office and we can help guide you.