
April 2020




CHAPALA MED’S March Health Newsletter 
April 2020 Health Newsletter
Greetings to our patients and readers of Chapala Med’s Health Newsletter. I write this email to you during what is supposed to be initial stages of some difficult times to come for our community. Ever since I have been publishing this newsletter I have tried to put forth the most reliable and credible information that can and will affect the community that I provide care for.  During these trying times of the worldwide pandemic, I have noted that there have been multiple groups and pages on social media as well as the local web forums which “SHARE” information that just causes more confusion and stirs more fear in the community. 
Trying to provide some clarity to the community regarding the COVID-19 pandemic I accepted the invitation to be part of an informational webinar tomorrow with two very credible physicians that can give us the clarity that our community needs and can use in the hard weeks to come. So I hope that my readers will accept my invitation to partake of this informational webinar.  
I stated in my previous newsletter, I have refrained from publishing any information until I got it from reliable sources and have had some experiences treating patients who were suspicious of having contracted COVID-19. That way I can speak from my professional experiences. But now I am providing our community as well as members of the U.S. hispanic community how to best deal with this threat.
I hope to answer the most common questions regarding the pandemic as I share my experience and with the resources that I share with you this month and during the webinar tomorrow.
I would also like to remind the community that CHAPALA MED will not only remain open as a PRIMARY CARE practice but by the year’s end will have 2 more offices in Guadalajara. Our first expansion will be at the hospital PUERTA DE HIERRO SUR on south Lopez Mateos by the end of next month.  Dr. Hernandez will remain in charge and also remain the main primary care provider and will continue to oversee and coordinate the care at CHAPALA MED. 
In closing I’d like to remind our readers of our (Chapala Med & Ribera Medical Center’s)MISSION STATEMENT so that you are all aware of what we are striving to accomplish everyday and hold us to this mission.
Santiago R. Hernandez M.D. 
COVID19 Webinar
Wed. April 8, 2020 3 pm CST 

While practicing as a physician in Chicago, I became an active member of this Professional Hispanic organization. The moderator is aware that I provide care to a community that is largely made up by EXPATS mainly from the U.S. and Canada who are over the age of 60. The participation in this virtual round table by a professor of Geriatric Medicine and an Emergency Department Physician will no doubt provide a wealth of information and answer many questions that members of the EXPAT community may have and what the risk factors are and how they differ with those members of the native community of the Chapala Lakeside area.

If you have questions you would like to have answered directly, please forward those to me at: 



There is so much information especially on the web, some of it is conflicting but in my opinion the following informational video can clear up many concerns you may have. I believe that this video below is worth sharing once again.
How many active cases are there locally or nationally ?
I hesitate to answer this question because of the daily and exponential changes in the cases that are yet undetected and will soon be diagnosed. The following are reliable websites that the local health authorities recommend you check.
What are Dr. Santiago Hernandez’s recommendations during the following (4-6)weeks ?

The EXPAT population of the Chapala Lakeside is a HIGH risk population due to their age group, their travel habits, the proximity to an international airport and the high degree of socialization that normally goes on in Chapala, Ajijic and the surrounding areas.  These are my recommendations:

1. Avoid traveling to Guadalajara (malls, movie theaters, crowded big box stores). There are now government check points at the points of entry and exit from the Lakeside area. 

2. WEAR A FACE MASK when you are outside. I concur with the CDC recommendations on this point.

A homemade face mask is better than nothing at all. 

Avoid gatherings of 5 people or more.

3. Self-isolate if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, COPD, EMPHYSEMA or a weakened immune system.

4. Wash your hands frequently and

USE LOTS OF HAND SANITIZER if you cannot wash your hands.

5. SOCIAL DISTANCING – Stay at least 6 feet away from people.

6. Do not shake hands or hug until further notice.


8. If you believe you have a respiratory infection call our office phone numbers ahead of your visit or 

9. If you BELIEVE YOU HAVE been infected with COVID-19 call 333.823.3220 or our office and we can help guide you.


Behavioral and Mental Health Dept.
Please join me in welcoming psychiatrist Dr. Adriana Haro as of this month has elected to become part of our team. She has been working in our community for almost 10 years. She, along with our Behavioral Therapist, Lic. Abner Grijalva will strengthen the care we will be providing for the community’s mental health needs. Please reach out to us in these difficult times. I am proud of the work they have done in the past and I have no doubt that they will help you maintain and even improve your mental and emotional health during these difficult times of self-isolation.
Adriana Haro M.D. Clinical Psychiatrist
Abner Grijalva, Licensed Behavioral Therapist
I am also pleased to announce that Dr. Jose Haro has decided to join the Chapala Med team of specialists. Dr. Haro is a general surgeon who specializes in laparoscopic surgery as well as other sub specialties. He has a solid reputation and a professional work ethic.
Jose Haro Fernandez M.D. – General Surgery 
The Healthcare providers & Staff at Chapala Med pledge
“We pledge to preserve our humility, integrity, and all the values which brought us to the practice of medicine. We will engage in honest self-reflection, striving for excellence but acknowledging our limitations, and caring for ourselves as we care for others. We will seek to heal the whole person, rather than merely treat disease, committing to a partnership with our patients that empowers them and demonstrates empathy and respect. We will cure sometimes, treat often, and comfort always”. 


Chapala Med |  | (331)950-9414


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