A Solution for the FLU VACCINE DILEMMA
Dear Chapala Med patients. I am reaching out to you to update you on Chapala Med’s current FLU vaccine. Many of our current patients signed up in August and left a deposit for the annual FLU vaccine. On November 9th, 2020 the local representative from Sanofi Pharmaceutical company came into our office to let me know personally that the Mexican Government was limiting the current distribution of the FLU vaccine to the PUBLIC HEALTHCARE system (IMSS, S.P, ISSTE) as well as NON-Profits like the Lake Chapala Society(LCS) and Salvati A.C. Theoretically, it will not be until the population or members that get their vaccines through these institutions are vaccinated, will the Mexican government allow them to be distributed to public hospitals and practices like Chapala Med unless the distribution is partners with a Non-profit organization. We thought that Chapala Med was not going to be able to provide vaccines to our patient base until now.
As many of you already know, since it’s inception in 2012, Chapala Med has been supporting many philanthropical and socially responsible community projects such as NINOS INCAPACITADOS and the fight against BREAST CANCER through SALVATI Guadalajara A.C. and the Rotary Club of Ajijic. Salvati Guadalajara A.C. has stepped forward and has offered to be a conduit and partner in acquiring this year’s FLU vaccine via a distributor that is importing them from the U.S. So, these are not from the Mexican public healthcare system. The only “downside” is that we will have to wait 10 business days (2nd week of Dec.) and an increased cost because they are imported. We anticipate it to be here by Dec. 10th.
Many of the patients who have left a deposit in August have opted to use that deposit toward this vaccine while others did take advantage of the FLU vaccine distribution at LCS on Nov. 17th as we recommended.
Due to the fact that we are in the second wave of the Coronavirus pandemic and the increased incidence of the INFLUENZA during the winter months, we highly recommend that all of our patients get the FLU vaccine. The influenza virus has a very high incidence of morbidity and mortality for the general population. Contracting both COVID19 and this year’s FLU can greatly put your health and life at risk.
If you or anybody you know may be interested in getting the FLU vaccine through CHAPALA MED, please contact our office for costs and dispensing dates. We are asking for a minimal deposit.
Have a Happy and SAFE Thanksgiving and watch out for Chapala Med’s November newsletter.
Do you have a waiting list to get the covid 19 vaccine for those unable to get it?
Vaccine distribution and application to the population in Mexico is under the direction and oversight of the Federal Government. Our private medical Clinic at this time is not able to acquire these vaccines.