Flu Vaccine

Flu Vaccine

A Solution for the FLU VACCINE DILEMMA Dear Chapala Med patients. I am reaching out to you to update you on Chapala Med’s current FLU vaccine. Many of our current patients signed up in August and left a deposit for the annual FLU vaccine. On November 9th, 2020 the...
Stem Cell Research

Stem Cell Research

Stem cell therapy has been showing a lot of promising results all over the world. Did you know this ground breaking treatment has come to Lakeside? In our continuing interview with Dr. Santiago Hernandez of ChapalaMed (read the first post about Dr. Hernandez and...
Welcome New Medical Staff

Welcome New Medical Staff

CHAPALA MED Welcomes New Staff and would like to wish you a very happy and healthy 2018! Our team continues to grow each day. We are pleased to announce the following new members of our team. In addition to our REHABILITATION team, we’d like to welcome Dr....
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